Craftiana — This artist is knotting her way to success
From crochet and quilting to macrame, fashion is embracing handmade techniques like never before. Classic fashion comes without an expiry date and crochet is one such rare element that can translate from a placemat to spring attire without losing its elegance, delicacy, or femininity. Craftiana
Keeping India’s traditional craft of crochet alive, many crochet product manufacturers and exporters are producing hand-crafted products, bringing in innovation and creativity, and facilitating the growing trend.
The gaining popularity of crochet & macrame products also has a connection with the modern shopper’s love for slow fashion. Crochet & macrame are labor-intensive and can’t be authentically produced on a macro scale. It doesn’t just boast artisanal value but the trend also encourages and promotes ethical and upcycled production. It seems to have found its footing in everyday life as millennials and Gen Z realized the power of creative expression with these artforms. Homegrown crochet artists and emerging labels are offering buyer-friendly customizations.
Adorning Lives With The Traditional And Chic Creations Of Craftiana
Craftiana is run by Anamika Tiwari, an engineer turned entrepreneur. She started her Instagram page portraying her art and craftwork, personalized greeting cards, scrapbooks, and calendars. She was always fascinated with all art and recreational things like poster making, rangolis, mural art. During her time working in an IT company, she collaborated with event management companies which helped to showcase her creative side in theme-based decorations such as Holi, Christmas, New Year, etc.
It was only during the Covid lockdown period that she read and researched a lot about the macrame art businesses thriving so well on Instagram. Her mother, an excellent adept crochet weaver was her inspiration since childhood, and having an inbuilt passion for art, Anamika channelized her mother’s hard hand-work by launching her brand Craftiana. Her sister and mother help her with the business and it is an efficient squad of womenpreneurs running the business.
“Every womenprenuer has a supportive man besides her. My husband has supported me so much throughout this journey to launch my brand page and he has motivated me a lot” proudly says the founder.
The Product Offerings & Growth Plans
The brand sells all handmade products using macrame and crochet. The colorful & vibrant dreamcatchers, the boho wall decors, the tassel earrings, and trendy sling bags are beautifully woven with love and zeal. The exclusivity of their products lies in the handmade customized designs given to any product or gifting item like keychains, plant holders, coasters, photo frames, jackets & or any winter accessory using crochet. Since its launch in August 2021, the brand has served more than 100 orders in Pan India, presently selling online through its Instagram page. The brand’s future goals are getting more orders, building strong customer relationships, and collaborating with people to promote their business.
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